sailing yacht kaemara's trips

Monday, July 28, 2008

loch aline

After waiting around for replacement parts, clothes etc to arrive in Arisaig (all 'guaranteed 24 h our delivery' claims are,, small-print off all for places like this) finally pushed off southwards. Arisaig Marine provided a very good service and all of the work which they did on the boat was to a high standard and at a fair price.

This was the start of northerly winds which stayed with us for the duration of the cruise. We had some tough times but not nearly so bad as for the poor sods who were trying to go the other way - we always had the wind behind us.

Headed south from Arisaig and anchored for the night in Loch Aline. This is one of those superb natural harbours which are so sheltered that you can get a big surprise when you leave them - it was quite blowy outside.

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