went from Loch Aline to Creobh (pronounced croove) which involved a trip through the Sound of Luing which is just nearby the dreaded Corryvreckan, famous for its whirlpools. I was half an hour off the top of the tide going the the Sound of Luing and already seemed to have more than 2 knots of tide and the water starting to boil. Spent a night in Creobh, which is picturesque sort of place (but it rained all the time, so the new camera stayed in its case) and one which I'd happily return to. I stayed in the marina. Going in to strange marinas on your own in a boat can be a bit of a buttock clencher, went in fine but had a pretty little wooden motor boat park up next to me and the wind kicked up and was blowing me on to her so I wasn't so sure about how it would all work out when I left, fortunately the people on board must have been wondering the same thing so they came out and gave me a hand to get away. Picture is taken on a long day's beat down the sound of Jura into a lot of wind. I don't have an anenometer so don't really know how much, but had a reef in and probably would have gone just as fast with two.
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